Monday, November 5, 2007

talking points #6 on Oakes

After reading "Why schools Need to take another route" by Jeannie Oakes i have to say i an rather confused. I really have no idea what this article was about. To be honest the only thing i could relate to the article was the comic that was on the second page that kind of helped me think about what she meant. The person is very short and the person in the "Education" booth was much to high for the person to reach. The quote at the bottom says "Privledged class, middle class, or born loser?" The person obviously cannot reach the person in the booth nor do i think that the person in the booth even knows that someone is there in the first place. What i think that means is since there are children that (using a part of the comic quote) are considered "born losers" it ius harder for them to learn in school when teachers just doubt their ability to succeed and in turn the self esteem is going to be like that as they continue on their way in their school career. This article was really difficult to understand so i cannot really elaborate on it anymore than i have because i really dont know what else to say.

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