Monday, October 8, 2007

Talking Points #3 on Carlson

After reading "Gayness, Multicultural Education, and Community" by Dennis Carlson he talks about how a Homosexual is portrayed within the community and argues that portraying a person like that is wrong. It seems like he believes that portraying someone like that is against not only himself but God. Being only a sophomore in college, I do indeed know what being portrayed like that was like because there was quite a few homosexuals in my school and they were always the center or jokes, comments, and ridicule. He talks about how "throughout much of this century, the dominant idea of community in America was represented by what I call the normalizing community." I think that what he means is that most people in society live life using a "normal" system. I think that since someone is homosexual they are not considered to be normal because people consider them to be different than they are. Since I believe that it is wrong to look at someone differently because of a lifestyle choice that they have made I feel that people should learn to consider everyone to be equal. I mean think about this, Blacks were considered "different" at one point, so why can't we see a gay person and consider them to be one of us just like we did in the past with blacks when Martin Luther King told us that everyone was created equally. I believe that this is his argument during this whole piece.

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